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Is Sealcoating Worth it_edited.jpg


Most professionals believe that sealants protect and preserve asphalt surfaces, but is it worth it?

Let’s first talk about what sealcoating does and how it protects asphalt.


How Sealcoating Works…

Direct exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays and oxygen in the air will make the asphalt brittle, which makes it more susceptible to cracks. Once the asphalt cracks, water and/or car fluids can seep in and create pools of water underneath the surface. This will lead to more cracking and further damage.

Sealcoating material fills all minor surface flaws acting as a barrier preventing the sun’s ultraviolet rays from entering the driveways surface. 

Other than protecting from the sun, Sealcoating also protects direct contact from…


  • Car fluids (such as oil, gas, or antifreeze)

  • Rain

  • Snow

  • Ice

  • Oxygen

Sealcoating will protect against fading, and can even improve the appearance of your asphalt.  It will restore the lustrous appearance of the asphalt, even if some natural fading has occurred.  

So Is it Worth It?


The main drawback of sealcoating is that the process can be costly. Though the cost of sealcoating is significantly less then the costs of new asphalt paving. 

Sealcoating can extend the life of your driveway if properly applied and extend the years between paving. 


Best Practices for Sealcoating

Sealants should only be applied to driveways that are in good shape. Even minor cracks should be completely filled before sealcoating. This is when hot or cold crack filing comes into play. Click here to learn more about crack filling.

Asphalt sealing should not be done too frequently, as this will result in excessive buildup, which will result in cracking and other unnecessary damage. Regions that experience extreme freeze/thaw cycles should consider getting a fresh sealcoat every 2 years.


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